Our Aims
● to explore and encourage initiatives for the community benefit and economic and social welfare of those who live in the area served by Hill & Valley parish magazine, the ecclesiastical parishes of Hurstbourne Priors, Longparish, St Mary Bourne and Woodcott.
● to research and reflect upon local social needs.
● to support and take executive responsibility for running agreed local projects to these ends.
● to act as an advocate for the area in discussions with other organisations, statutory and voluntary.
● to set annual strategic priorities towards these aims.
Methods of achieving our aims
● by building good working partnerships with organisations that help us meet our goals (setting in place legal structures and financial agreements if appropriate).
● by establishing such organisation and structures as may be appropriate to help achieve the agreed aims.
● by affiliating to appropriate organisations to gain expertise or advantage.
● by holding such funds as are necessary to forward the aims, using any profits generated solely for the benefit of people in the area.
● by sharing information in ways appropriate to people of the area, including establishing and maintaining a website.
● by recruiting and resourcing volunteers in the area for such projects as are approved, using local or regional training.