There are a number of ways that one-to one conversations can help individuals gain some clarity and help in solving problems, even when they are complex. These conversations can take various forms from counselling, mentoring, coaching, through to informal discussion. Whereas counselling and mentoring have a bias towards being told or advised what to do, coaching helps you to make your own decisions, based on your priorities.
Coaching might help to improve one’s chances of getting a job, retraining for a different job, setting up your own business, or more generally help in solving relationship problems. Often it is necessary to consider the impact of the current situation on people close to you and those dependent on you. Coaching tends to cover the wider implications, whereas other forms of discussion might be constrained to just solving the immediate problem.
What would you want from a professional coach or someone trained in coaching skills? You would want to be assured that the details of conversations were kept confidential. You would like the coach to be non-judgemental. The best coaching arrangements are normally based on a written agreement (does not have to be more than one page) which includes the purpose, outcomes expected, and confidentiality. The best outcomes often result from a series of meetings, each of which is no more than 1 hour’s duration to allow reflection and enable review at the next meeting.
HaVACE has several people who can offer these skills voluntarily. If you would like to learn more, or see if coaching might be appropriate for you, please contact Mr John Scott of Forton (not to be confused with the Revd. John Scott) on 01264 720018 or at
There are 'Welfare to Work' organisations which help the unemployed get back into work, notably in our area The Shaw Trust. For news about the merger of organisations in this type of provision see here.
There are 'Welfare to Work' organisations which help the unemployed get back into work, notably in our area The Shaw Trust. For news about the merger of organisations in this type of provision see here.