Rev Martin Coppen MC, Pat Jones PJ, Rev John Scott JS, James Croser JC,
Terry and Ruth Hemming TH,RH. Val Kennett VK ,Lyn North LN
Apologies Kerry Meaden, David Ankcorn, Dodie Marsden, Caroline Hoyes, Bill and Win
Report from Village Agents.
The I yr trial sponsored by Age
Concern finishes at the end of June (our
agents started in September)
VK and LN felt that it had not taken
off as expected, it had not reached the target market of the vulnerable.
Despite this they had motivated some people to pursue things that they would
not have, without help and they had given people confidence to proceed. They
had encouraged people to get their entitlements. In some cases they had done
the work for the clients, this was not their remit.
Having a specific day when they could
be reached had not worked. Most contact at the lunch, coffee morning and in
street! Also, by word of mouth.
There was some conflict with age
concern on what they should be doing. They had not worked in the same way as
other village agents. All villages worked in a slightly different way. Some ran
talks and computer courses some just sign posted. VK and LN tended to be more
hands on, mainly because of the kind of people they are.
VK and LN felt they could no longer
continue under the age concern umbrella, the frequent courses offered ,
monitoring and visits from age concern took a lot of time ,more than the
originally agreed hours. They also felt there were restrictions with the
computer due to lack of WI-FI.
MC paid tribute to them both for
taking the project on in the first place.
They said they were happy to carry on
in an informal way but not under the age concern umbrella. Age concern is
anxious to try to recruit a replacement.
There was discussion around them
carrying on under the umbrella of HAVACE or Neighbour care it was felt they
should talk to both the Parish Council and Eve at Neighbour care.
There was a discussion around VK and
LN’s vulnerability CRB checks etc Neighbour care is already set up.
It was decided to put a note in the
Hill and Valley to
explain change in the village agents’ scheme.
and everybody present gave VK and LN a big thankyou.
updated us :-
A) Fuel syndicate now has 200 people but needs more, possibly thinking of a leaflet drop throughout
area. The village hall seems to have a group of people that combine with it for
deliveries on the same day. 500 litres is minimum delivery. The question is can
this be smaller if several deliveries all on the same day? As it stands it
helps the better off people, but not those who can’t afford a large amount in
one go.
B) Is there an alternative for
buying coal? The depot is now in Chandlers Ford and with a small number of
buyers and sellers, less chance for competitive pricing.
C) The question of bungalows for elderly in affordable housing
was asked by Caroline Hoyes. (This is covered in the update on the
investigation by HaVACE into total care scheme. Below.
D) Martin and Maddy Winter visited Brendon Care Knightwood at Valley Park,
Chandlers ford. This has been set up on the principle that nobody should ever
have to move to receive the care they need, apart from when hospitalisation is
required . This is a large setup: 30 apartments, 7 Bungalows and a nursing
home. Restaurant, salon, leisure facilities resource centre and housing local community
nursing for PCT.
Can Brendon Care be a partner for us? Possibly interested in a domiciliary
type service . The CEO of the Brendon care home pointed out that it was cheaper
to build from scratch than convert an old property and it cannot be done
without the support of the community.
Communities need to work out their own answers. The first thing to be
done is establish that there really is a need.
How many people manage to stay in their own homes until they die? Would
people move if they had an alternative easier place to live in? These questions
need addressing.
No further business was discussed.
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